Ripped from the STEPPS site.

Note that this response is from someone in the same business of SMOC.

Message: 3
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 08:15:37 -0400
From: "Peter C.S. Adams" 
Subject: [STEPPS] Letter from an Advocates employee
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="US-ASCII"

Following is a message from someone at Advocates about the web site. It's
another example of hostility based on misinformation. I wrote back saying
that we do not stand behind any such statement and if she finds anything
like that on our web site to let me know and I will remove it.  --peter

Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 18:24:48 -0400
Subject: STEPPS mailing list

Dear Whoever you may be;

I would be interested in contacting Stepps, not as a supported but
rather as someone very upset by the letters that I read from people who
voiced such strong opinions without so much as a way to identify them .
One letter in particular I saw from a writer in Framingham ...again, not
identifying himself or herself..but definitely putting out there a
negative statement about those he/she, referred to as "undesirable
people". I'm wondering if such people who write that have taken the time
to look at the history of the country they live in. In case anyone
forgot...we are made up of those considered "undesirable" at one time.
Our country was founded on the pretense of equality, fairness and open
arms.." give me your tired, your poor,...." anyone out there recall
these words?...WE were built to welcome those who are
different..unique...WE stand together in unity for all...not just the
"desirables". And the fact is...who is anyone to determine who is
"desirable" and who isn't? I have five children, Many people may find
that fact about me absurd, ridiculous!!..who has five children in this
day and age!!?? But does that make me undesirable??..I have dark hair, I
also have strong political I undesirable yet? Maybe if I told
you I like to sit out in my backyard listen to folk or country music and
stare at the stars...Am I under your skin??..Oh no wait...I know...I was
a teenage mom...Yep, 18...first child. I remember that. I remember
people looking and saying .."she'll never make a difference here...look
at the bad impression she makes" Did that make me undesirable??...Maybe
to some, but who are they to judge me. Who are we any of us, to pass
judgment on anyone?

People move in and out of communities all the time...I've lived in 6
towns through out my life, and was always graced with the presence of
open caring, neighbors. People who offered me support, who I,  in turned
offered support to. Eventually I was no longer 18 and a young mom.
People live among you that you befriend and truly know nothing about.
Yet because of the affiliation with support programs such as SMOC, you
cast them out calling them undesirable?  Many of those you refer to play
an active role in the communities, work productive jobs, sit on active
committees. Many of those you allude to would never be able to
pick out as being any different then you or I..because the simple and
honest truth is...they are not different. No different then you or I
are. They are individuals. But aren't we all?

Before your throw a label or a title out there, take a moment to think
of the labels or titles you have been graced with, some positive, some
negative, I'm sure. But do they really depict who you are as a
person..or was it a bad day when someone you engaged with decided to peg
you an "undesirable"

Kimberly Hueras
Clinical Program Coordinator
Walpole Supported Housing
292 Main Street
Walpole, MA 02081

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