Town officials no match for SMOC Wednesday, November 16, 2005
H.I Silverman, Framingham Metrowest Daily News
I attended the Oct. 25 hearing of the Zoning Board of Appeals in regard to 517 Winter St., expecting to learn more details about SMOC "plans" for this site.

The meeting was a bitter disappointment.  The board failed to act on a proposed motion to reject SMOC's application, deciding to wait until the Massachusetts attorney general rules whether a proposed change in local bylaws can require project site reviews.

By not voting, the board slights Framingham and Framingham residents.  After all, SMOC has not responded to several town requests.  SMOC's arrogance, broken and undelivered promises, falsehoods and inexcusable absences from officially requested meetings are a matter of record and not what one expects from an agency which survives on taxes, grants and gifts -- while boards without spine do residents no good and only portend an unsavory future.

By remaining a town governed by well intended but part-time officials, Framingham serves no one well and most everyone poorly.  As a large metropolitan community our form of government is better fit for a village.

SMOC is an efficient, smartly operated organization in the process of turning Framingham into a cesspool of social welfare, importing and populating the town with social misfits and outcasts.  It seems only reasonable to expect a town board to reflect the opinions and desires of its residents and not exhibit myopic thinking.

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